Tuesday 19 November 2013

Getting our home in order, one item at a time.

Although hubby and I moved our stuff into our apartment in March, it's still not unpacked nor fully set up the way we want it. The delay at first was because of the wedding -- we unpacked what he needed to live there, and what I needed to prep for the wedding, and that was it.

After the wedding, things were just too busy, and by the time I had time, renovations were going on (for an entirely stupid reason), and it wasn't worth unpacking the rest. 

But now, the renovations are done, which means we can finally start getting things finished. The biggest problem we're facing is that we really don't have enough storage space. Our kitchen cupboards are limited, and aside from our two wardrobes that the landlords got us (there are no closets in our basement apartment, and the wardrobes are just big enough for each of us to use one) and two small cupboards in the laundry room, there isn't really storage of any kind. 

In a way I suppose it's a good thing, because it means a lot of junk will have to be thrown out, but it makes it difficult to try and sort and put things away when there is nowhere to put the stuff that you don't yet have the space to put away.

That being said, it's finally coming together. The living room is almost done, and our once stuffed full office only has a small amount of boxes left to be unpacked. It's looking more like a home and less like just an apartment. And even though it's taking a while, it feels nice to have something that we are building and developing together. A place that we can call home instead of just thinking of it as a temporary stepping stone. 

Eventually, I'll post some pictures once our home gets fully cozied up and stuffs, but for now, I just have to say we're getting there.

1 comment:

  1. It's not easy with renovation. I'm excited to see the results, though, in due time! xx


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