Monday 13 January 2014

Another disappearance, but this time a good one.

I swear, this time the disappearance from my blog wasn't because I didn't know what to say! Things got crazy busy after starting my new job as a reporter, and then with Christmas, New Year's, planning for Guatemala and all that, time became a very hard thing to find. 

I'm loving being a reporter full-time. Some days it's hard, because I feel like there's so many people to contact and not enough time, but most days, I'm just so happy to be doing what I love again. Being a community newspaper, it gives me the opportunity to tell the stories of the people around me -- to find the interesting and unique people and share what they are doing or have done in this world that stands out.

But yes, I do have five billion pictures of my kitty.
The depression has slowly faded back away into it's hiding place. There are moments it decides to come out with a vengeance, but lately those have easily been remedied by Disney movies, funny geek meme's and pictures of kittens on the interwebz (I SWEAR I am not a lonely cat lady).

Things have kind of been up and down. Hubby lost a lot of hours at work due to them trying to 'conserve' during the slow period, although it's been proven there was no need. For a while there, we weren't sure if we were going to be able to make rent, let alone buy groceries. It was scary, and my faith definitely took another hit. But I tried to hang on, and things are finally looking up.

There are lots of exciting things to share (a new addition to our family, details on our first Christmas, and our upcoming Mission's Trip), and I promise I will start sharing soon.

In the meantime, here's one of the funny meme's I've found (we're working our way through Star Trek: The Next Generation).

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